You're a heart-centered woman in the midst of a transition

Individuals, like you, have a highly empathic nature and want the freedom to flow with your purpose and make a difference in the world, but sometimes you experience the following challenges.

Is this you? 

  • Tending to the needs of others at the expense of your own health, supportive relationships and financial well-being
  • Feeling confused about following your heart's desire, and disconnected from the impact you came to make on the planet
  • Overwhelmed, anxious, and exhausted from taking on responsibilities that are not yours to take on, or fearful about what will happen if you don't
  • A history of betrayals that erode your sense of trust, feelings of safety, and capacity to receive 

I get it...and there is another way of being...

What if it was truly possible and completely safe to…


Allow yourself to rest so you can  receive your inner wisdom's guidance to care for yourself, reveal your purpose - and so much more?


Trust your intuitive guidance, follow your heart, and play? 


Shine your unique light and express your gifts with confidence?

Let's take this journey together... Introducing the Freedom to Flow Program

January 17 - February 28, 2023

When you join the Freedom to Flow Program, you’ll receive a set of experiences to: 

  • Free yourself from overwhelm, anxiety and exhaustion 
  • Receive support from a community of souls who share your vision for the world, see you in your strength and light, and celebrate your flowing journey
  • Utilize your internal compasses to make empowered decisions that align with your heart's desire, so you'll have the vitality needed to fulfill your purpose
  • Transform fears of being judged for sharing your unique light, message, and gifts, so you can receive the abundance you deserve

This program is for empaths who are so done with what is no longer serving them

  • So done with spaces and faces that don't feel safe and loving
  • So done with attuning to others' needs at the expense of your own
  • So done with the self-pressure and need to do everything "right"
  • So done with handing over your power to others in order to avoid feeling the fear of being rejected, abandoned, or criticized/judged/attacked

This program is NOT for you if...

  • You are resistant to the mind-body connection, and experiencing the emotional and spiritual aspects of healing and growth
  • You are looking for someone else to "fix" or heal you
  • You are consistently clear about what you need and want
  • You want to work with a coach who believes you just need to "work harder" in order to experience the life you want to live

"I've been doing my thing in the world for a while, but this program has helped me to see with great precision the power of who I am, the gifts I share and the impact I have with my clients/potential clients. The content has brought up a lot of things that I didn't even consciously realize and I feel lighter. To be part of this program during CoVid has been an incredible blessing. Thank you."

Julie Ulstrup

Freedom to Flow Program

6 weeks to build your resilience and reveal your radiance

As energetically-sensitive beings, our needs are different from the majority of people in the collective. The following outlines the options available so you can access the type of support that is a fit for you at this time.

Intended outcomes:

  • Utilize your internal navigation systems to care for yourself in the midst of, and/or following, stressful situations, and flow with your life's purpose
  • Create/choose the environments that are conducive to healing, creative expression and connection with others
  • Expand your circle with the "right" type of support (that meets your needs) to expand beyond your fears and maintain your momentum
  • Reveal aspects of your "Medicine" that allow you to hold a safe space for others, and what can get in the way
  • Utilize tools to release tension and patterns of protection (which can impair your perception of the present moment and seeing choices) so you can free up your energy
  • Reveal the experiences that you want to bring into your life, and why, so you can ask for what you need and make decisions aligned with your most expansive dreams

Option A: Self-paced within a supportive, and intentional, energetic container: $197

Intention:  Gain awareness of the types of changes you want to make in your life, and why, then apply your internal compasses to move forward on an unconventional journey. This is a great option for anyone who has other types of support in their life, or prefers a customized approach (e.g., 1-1 private coaching packages as needed). 

What you'll receive:

  • Group kickoff call (Zoom) to set your intention with the support of a group of women stepping out onto the path of an unconventional journey (Replays will be available).
  • Online course that includes brief handouts to complete the objectives listed above, along with the support of videos of me leading you through the activities
  • Group debrief call (Zoom) to check-in and celebrate your progress, and clarify next steps (Replays will be available).
  • Weekly "Connect-In" e-mails (6)
  • Note: Those who select Option A will have the opportunity to upgrade to Option B (after their six week series is complete) at a discounted rate.

Option B: Group coaching program: $997 (Limited to 8 participants per program)

Intention:  Create shifts in perspective so you can let go of what is no longer serving you, and apply your internal compasses to move forward on an unconventional journey.  This option is great for those who want to receive consistent energetic support to keep them flowing with their life's purpose.

What you'll receive:

  • Includes everything in Option A
  • Three additional group coaching calls over teleconference (participants benefit from a coaching experience (Replays will NOT be available due to potential sensitive nature of these calls).
  • One private 1-1 session that supports transformational healing
  • An online community room for connections and collaboration (Currently via Facebook)
  • Special savings for package of private 1-1 sessions that support transformational healing ($150 savings)

Both Zoom sessions and teleconference calls will be scheduled on a weekday evening (Monday-Thurs), likely from 6:00-8:00 PM MDT.

With any self-reflective and development-oriented program, there can be varying levels of triggers/resistance. Feel free to reach out for a free Freedom to Flow Clarity Call to discuss which type of support would best suit your needs.

"This program has helped me to move through some internal blocks and know how to connect to what is closest to my heart. The private sessions have been very valuable. Each one has been healing. Thank you! I so appreciate having been part of this program, for your heart, skills and knowledge, and dedication to the highest good for your clients."

Sabrina Roblin
Life Coach

Freedom to Flow Program

You've gained so much experience and wisdom on your journey thus far, but isn't it time to give yourself the attention you deserve so you can free up your energy, follow your heart, and direct your energy where your gifts and "Medicine" can be received? If you haven't already booked your complementary "Freedom to Flow" clarity call, click on the link below to schedule, and let's confirm whether this program will offer the "right" type of support for you.

Freedom to Flow - Self-Paced


Full Pay

Register Today!

Freedom to Flow - Group Program


2 Monthly Payments also available at $527 each. Inquire at [email protected]

Register Today!

Questions? Schedule a Discovery Call

Are you ready to give yourself the space to flow with your life's purpose? Let's connect! Schedule a "Freedom to Flow" discovery session (or e-mail me at [email protected]). We'll get clear on your dreams and biggest challenge, address your questions, and determine if we're a fit to work together.

"After 35 years, I will be creating a whole new adventurous life in another city, perhaps a new job, new friends, and a new home and community. It’s all unknown at this time, but I am determined to create a life I love, and have people around me who are supportive. The program has facilitated relief in areas that have been a concern throughout my life, and has given me a new perspective about my true self and True North and the ability to more readily read the messages of my body to make choices that serve me. I’m taking my power back and not feeling guilty about it!!!"


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