Land Listening at Coot Lake

Do you want to live in a world where everyone felt free to follow the signals of excitement and joy, and live their most expansive dreams?

Following your heart's desire is often easier said than done. Even if you're clear on what you need and want (which is especially challenging for those who tend to put others' needs before their own), societal expectations and self-pressure can get in the way. The result is an internal conflict between what your expansive Self is yearning for, and the parts of you that have kept you safe by keeping you out of experiences where you might get rejected, criticized, or judged (i.e. contracted). But what if you were unafraid to be rejected, criticized, judged—to be seen as your true Self? What might be created from that place?

Please join Kelly C. Mullen for an opportunity to connect with yourself through Land Listening. This is a fun way (while held in the beauty of nature) to clarify what your heart is truly yearning for, release what is no longer serving you, and receive inspiration from the land so you can feel free to be YOU—ultimately making it easier for those who share your dreams to connect with you.

Upon your registration, you'll receive more details with logistics via e-mail. 

Sign Up to Reserve Your Spot 

You'll also join my newsletter for upcoming events, and tips to flow with your life purpose.

Waiver: By signing up for this walk, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own safety and well-being throughout the event. Host is not liable for any injury or illness that may happen during the event or that results from participating in this event. Please take good care to only sign up for walks or hikes that are within your skill level and comfort.