Land Listening at Rabbit Mountain

What if you could trust your intuition and flow with your life's purpose? Making decisions aligned with your true needs and desires can be challenging.  Cultural expectations and conditioning can often be in direct conflict with the inspiration you receive to make empowered decisions—resulting in the external conflict that so often shows up to reflect what's going on within you. So what can you do to resolve this inner conflict? This hike is intended to reveal your gifts and inner compass so you can trust yourself to release the conflict and make empowered decisions with confidence. 

Please join Kelly C. Mullen for an opportunity to gain clarity on a decision you'd like to make through Land Listening. This is a fun way (while held in the beauty of nature) to bring awareness to the parts of you that are in conflict so you can release the resistance, receive inspiration, and trust yourself to make empowered decisions.

Upon your registration, you'll receive more details with logistics via e-mail. 

Sign Up to Reserve Your Spot 

You'll also join my newsletter for upcoming events, and tips to flow with your life purpose.

Waiver: By signing up for this walk, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own safety and well-being throughout the event. Host is not liable for any injury or illness that may happen during the event or that results from participating in this event. Please take good care to only sign up for walks or hikes that are within your skill level and comfort.