Land Listening at Wonderland Lake

What if you could experience the happiness and abundance that comes with sharing your gifts, and what you're passionate about, with your community?

For many of us, we may not even know what our gifts are, let alone appreciate how important and valuable they are to share with those around us. The result is that we can spend our time and energy in ways that leave us feeling depleted and unfulfilled. So how can you begin to acknowledge the gifts that come naturally to you (and likely key to making the world go round)?

Please join Kelly C. Mullen for an opportunity to connect with yourself, the earth, and others through Land Listening. This walk will be a fun way to use the landscape around us to reveal your gifts, and the unique way in which you express them, so that the people who need them most can find you—and you can experience what it's like to receive (happiness, fulfillment, joy, abundance....) while giving!

 Upon your registration, you'll receive more details with logistics via e-mail. 

Sign Up to Reserve Your Spot 

You'll also join my newsletter for upcoming events, and tips to flow with your life purpose.

Waiver: By signing up for this walk, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own safety and well-being throughout the event. Host is not liable for any injury or illness that may happen during the event or that results from participating in this event. Please take good care to only sign up for walks or hikes that are within your skill level and comfort.