Healers and coaches get support when they feel stuck, and sometimes that support comes from the invisible realms. Here's a poem I wrote after a shamanic journey where I asked Grandmother Midwife for her guidance on a new event I planned to host, and how I could fill the room.
Grandmother Midwife
She appears as a giant
I ask her
what she would like me to know
about her
She lays down in the river
and spreads her legs
The water gushes through,
and then a baby
she gives birth to
She says she has given birth
many times before,
and she’s been present
at many more
To bring new life into the world,
she wants me to know -
this midwifery –
It takes place
in sacred space
It’s an important space
to create and hold
She walks over to my side
of the river
with the baby in her arms
She wants me to see her -
this newborn -
up close
I suddenly recall a time
I gathered a baby
from her crib,
and the feeling of surprise by
the unconditional love
that she exuded
I ask Grandmother Midwife
what she wants me to know
about a space
I’ll be holding
for women
Grandmother Midwife
removes the covering
over her baby’s eyes
so I can look into them,
and that’s when
I see one of the women
Grandmother Midwife asks me,
When a baby is born
what does she need?
I reply:
To breathe,
to be held,
to feel her mother’s heart beat,
to have the umbilical cord removed, yet still feel connected,
and to have her cries heard
That is the space
I am to hold
to bring new life into being
I ask her
how I can find these women
She leads me into the river
In bare feet, I stand
looking upstream -
just watching,
as the women are flowing
to me
in their inner tubes
They’re laughing and giggling
I don’t need to climb a mountain
to call out, into the valley
I can stand in the river
watching -
the women flowing
to me
I ask her
to share her wisdom for the group
She steps back into the river
In bare feet, she stands
with the water flowing fast
around her bare legs
She wants us to feel
what it’s like to feel
our feet on the rocks
while the water
flows –
It’s energy moving
all around
our calves, legs, pelvic bowl, body, and heart
She reminds a woman
to remain grounded
in the river,
feeling the flowing energy
all around her
What does holding space for yourself and others feel like to you? How does that make the journey of transformation flow more easily? Who is flowing with you? Include your thoughts below, and/or feel free to reach out to me at kelly@kellycmullen.
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