Holding Space: What is it?

Even if “holding space” was a common phrase, its meaning can involve various interpretations.  This confusion is less of an issue for those who are consistently clear about their needs and follow-through on them, but for empaths, confusion around what it means to “hold space" for someone is a bit riskier. 

Empaths are not only found in helping roles and professions—where we are frequently expressing the gift of "holding space"—but we also tend...

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What if everyone you met felt safe?

There is a comfort in being with someone who knows you, who gets who you really are.  There is a kind of language - a telepathy - that requires no effort.  The connection requires nothing from you - to feel, or be, any different.

In this space, it feels safe to let another in - to bond in a way that is needed for these challenging times, to make it through, in an easier way.

These are the kind of times that could make you a hero/heroine for all that you're going...

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How Lightworkers Find Clients & Facilitate Transformation

Healers and coaches get support when they feel stuck, and sometimes that support comes from the invisible realms.  Here's a poem I wrote after a shamanic journey where I asked Grandmother Midwife for her guidance on a new event I planned to host, and how I could fill the room. 

Grandmother Midwife

She appears as a giant



I ask her

what she would like me to know

about her


She lays down in the river

and spreads her legs


The water gushes through,


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