A long time ago, a baby was born. It was a beautiful scene with a couple who welcomed it into the world, knowing that more light (higher consciousness) and unconditional love could be expressed.
Was this baby raised in an environment feeling loved, just for existing, and being who they are? Did this baby feel special, while growing in ways to experience how their specialness was interconnected with all other beings' specialness on Earth? Was this baby supported and mentored in...
We're counting down the top four fears of an Empath. If Fear #4 is "Freezing, and the Fear You Won't Have Choices," then what is Fear #3?
Fear #3: Rejection, and the Fear You Won't Be Supported
When you consider the fact that all human beings are born vulnerable and dependent upon their caregivers for survival (and for many years), it's not surprising that this fear of rejection, and not getting the support you need when you need it, exists in our collective...
When I asked mySelf what story wanted to be told, I got...
Please tell the tale of how you were a strong warrior in a baby's body. Tell them about the time your parents placed you in a high chair at the restaurant, and out came your bellowing laugh. The other patrons turned to follow the sound with expressions as if to say, "Did that deep laugh really just come from a baby's mouth?"
When I laughed again, and they saw that it did, a contagious laughter spread through. And...
I've met children and adults who are just so funny. They have the gift of bringing laughter to a room - breaking up any serious, dense energy that's been there for a while. They can offer relief from all that is going on - relief from the chaos above the calm.
But sometimes the gift of being funny (or performing, or pleasing, or fixing, or soothing...) can be a way of making everything "right." The result? Your gift, if applied in the context of making everything...
There is a comfort in being with someone who knows you, who gets who you really are. There is a kind of language - a telepathy - that requires no effort. The connection requires nothing from you - to feel, or be, any different.
In this space, it feels safe to let another in - to bond in a way that is needed for these challenging times, to make it through, in an easier way.
These are the kind of times that could make you a hero/heroine for all that you're going...
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