What if everyone trusted their intuition?

People are exhausted and drained. They are tired of all the doing - doing what is expected, and doing it within the expected timeframe. 

Can you relate?

Meeting these expectations is often done at the expense of being your authentic self - lit up and filled with power - including the power to ask yourself what you need and want so you can experience more ease and joy.

Some will say that turning inward to ask what you need and want is selfish, but if you are sacrificing your true self, how will others be able to experience your healing presence?

Do you want to live in a world with so many people feeling depleted and exhausted?

If you're looking for some relief from exhaustion, you may have asked yourself, “Is this what I signed up for?  I did what I was told.  I worked hard, but now look - nothing has changed: The scenery and actors of my external circumstances may have changed, but the pattern is essentially the same.”

The situation can feel dire, but you deserve to be filled up with who you really are so you can be of service to humanity and the planet - without all the effort. 

The key to feeling more energized and carefree is to listen to your intuition and follow-through on it.  The challenge comes, however, when doubt, and the fear doing it “wrong,” arises. 

As an empath, your journey is unconventional and your message can be controversial - simply because your light and your message inspires change and expansion, which can feel scary and uncomfortable to some. 

As a result, the ego will work to protect you from possible criticisms, judgements, and attacks. It will insert doubt into your decision-making where you could be made to be “wrong.”

So how can you clear the doubts and dense emotions, and trust your intuition to lead you into more ease and joy?

To clear space and move into a more expansive view of who you are, you can start by remembering that you are light. 

Light brings things to life.  When you come from this view - you are a being of light - there is so much power.  This is not a power over others.  This is a power that needs no power from others, or to be given away in order to feel safe, because everyone in your life is light.  Everyone has this power - the power to connect to their inner wisdom, the power to choose, and the power to make decisions and follow through on experiences that can lead them to more ease and joy.  

When you know that you, and everyone around you, intrinsically has this power, you can trust the wisdom that comes through - even if the path is new. 

As you move forward, following your intuition, you may notice aches and pains in your back/shoulder/neck/jaw, or thoughts about whether you can trust your decision-making.  Sometimes you'll experience triggers around your career/purpose and relationships.  Either way, just remember, that these are signs to clear some space. 

My hunch is that leading change and creating a new path comes natural to you - and all leaders need support, so here’s a few tips for clearing the doubts and what's no longer serving you:

  1. Create a safe space and set your intention (e.g. I intend to move forward on my path with more ease and joy).
  2. Hold a safe space for your emotions to arise. When you're feeling your emotions, you’re in a place of responsibility (in your body), and when you’re taking this responsibility, it gives you the power to connect to your intuition so you can make decisions that support what you need and want.  To tap into this emotional compass, you can ask each emotion that arises, "What two questions would you like me to ask you?"  When you've received the list of questions, you can then ask, "What is your helpful response to these questions?"
  3. Lastly, notice when the doubts pop up (and they will) without judgement, then turn your attention back to your inner knowing and just decide to trust it.  There are zillions of probabilities that your intuition could have clued you into, so why would you receive that one? Trust your intention, and trust the truth flowing through you.  

The more you trust your intuition, the more you feed trust vs. doubt, and the more others will be inspired to follow suit and shift from the exhaustion of meeting expectations to the excitement of creating something new - and what would the world look like then?   



P.S.  If need support someone to create and hold a safe space to clear that which is no longer serving you're invited to schedule a free Freedom to Flow discovery call.  As a transformational healer, I help empaths experience relief from overwhelm and exhaustion to flowing with their life's purpose. 

P.P.S. Feel free to share this post to your social media accounts!


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