Name Calling

What do you call yourself?  Do you have a title that your clients/employer refer to?  Do you go by a specific role (daughter, mother, brother, wife...) so others know what to expect from you? 

These names, titles, roles have their place.  Sometimes they are helpful so that the right people can find you - turn to you, and yet, a particular title, or role, can also turn into the hooks of expectations and obligations that can lead to overwhelm and exhaustion. ...

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The Receiving Ceremony


There are so many needs that an empath can see and sense.  They are attuned to these needs in a way that others are not.  Their sensitivity to others’ needs is so important and a gift for all of humanity.  They have the competence that is needed. They have the ability to make everything better.

And yet this is not their true journey. It is not always theirs to make better.  The journey unfolds in a series of initiations where the empath uncovers layers upon...

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