Keeping Up with Your Big Dreams

Years ago, I selected the drumming track on my iPhone and journeyed into non-ordinary reality to meet the Spirit of my town.  My intention was to learn what the town needed (so basically, what I needed). 

A masculine energy offered a suggestion for rooting into the ground like an old oak tree.  He sent an image of a tree with wild winds surrounding it—all while it remained calm and steady in the storm. 

I asked why it was so windy in my town, and why these...

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Conflict, and the Fear You'll Be Persecuted

We're counting down the top four fears of an Empath.  If Fear #4 is "Freezing, and the Fear You Won't Have Choices," Fear #3 is Rejection, and the Fear You Won't be Supported, Fear #2 is Failure, and the Fear You Won't Make the "Right" Decisions, then what is the #1 fear of Empaths?

Fear #1:  Conflict, and the fear you'll be persecuted

Persecuted - What a harsh term! It harkens back to the days of the Inquisition, the Holocaust, and witch...

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Failure, and the Fear You Won't Make the "Right" Decisions

We're counting down the top four fears of an Empath.  If Fear #4 is "Freezing, and the Fear You Won't Have Choices," and Fear #3 is Rejection, and the Fear You Won't be Supported, then what is Fear #2?

Fear #2:  Failure, and the Fear You Won't Make the "Right" Decisions

It's easy for an Empath to feel as if they've done something "wrong."  After all, not only can you pick up signals of discomfort from those around you, but as you make more decisions that...

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Rejection, and the Fear You Won't be Supported

We're counting down the top four fears of an Empath.  If Fear #4 is "Freezing, and the Fear You Won't Have Choices," then what is Fear #3?

Fear #3:  Rejection, and the Fear You Won't Be Supported

When you consider the fact that all human beings are born vulnerable and dependent upon their caregivers for survival (and for many years), it's not surprising that this fear of rejection, and not getting the support you need when you need it, exists in our collective...

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Freezing, and the Fear You Don't Have Choices

When you live in a dualistic paradigm - of right, or wrong; good, or bad - perception is limited.  It's challenging to see beyond what you've been told to believe, and you can even be made wrong (or crazy) if you believe anything different. 

It’s natural though - to be playing out this dance of duality.  There's no judgement either way - good, or bad - because it's a very fast way to create change.  When you see what you don’t want, it...

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Name Calling

What do you call yourself?  Do you have a title that your clients/employer refer to?  Do you go by a specific role (daughter, mother, brother, wife...) so others know what to expect from you? 

These names, titles, roles have their place.  Sometimes they are helpful so that the right people can find you - turn to you, and yet, a particular title, or role, can also turn into the hooks of expectations and obligations that can lead to overwhelm and exhaustion. ...

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The Warrior in a Baby's Body

When I asked mySelf what story wanted to be told, I got...

Please tell the tale of how you were a strong warrior in a baby's body. Tell them about the time your parents placed you in a high chair at the restaurant, and out came your bellowing laugh.  The other patrons turned to follow the sound with expressions as if to say, "Did that deep laugh really just come from a baby's mouth?"

When I laughed again, and they saw that it did, a contagious laughter spread through.  And...

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Truth be Told

Before my nephew could read and write, we use to write stories together.  I would prompt him with questions (from elements of the Hero's Journey) and then he would tell me what to write down - including a few scenes that would make any reader wonder if his younger sister would ever make it out alive. 

I could've told him, "That's not nice," and asked him to change those scenes, but then what?  Would his tensions be brought to light the next time we...

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From Exhaustion & Attachment to Ease & Connection

I've met children and adults who are just so funny.  They have the gift of bringing laughter to a room - breaking up any serious, dense energy that's been there for a while.  They can offer relief from all that is going on - relief from the chaos above the calm. 

But sometimes the gift of being funny (or performing, or pleasing, or fixing, or soothing...) can be a way of making everything "right."  The result? Your gift, if applied in the context of making everything...

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What if everyone lived in abundance, just for being who they are?

I haven’t felt like doing much lately.  My energy level goes up and down, but most of the time it’s slow moving - anything I do takes twice as long as it “should."

I can also feel the tension in my low back which makes everyday chores more delightful (Not!), and did I mention that I just got my period?

When my body feels like it doesn't want to do anything, sometimes I'll listen.  I'll lay down to actually do nothing, until my mind starts doing something. ...

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